2.23 Reduce the Impact of Downloadable or Physical Documents
Printing or downloading documents can both be a net benefit and a net cost in terms of sustainability as it can reduce repeat requests to websites, but the act of printing (especially when unoptimized) wastes valuable ink and paper.
- Printing Documents: If the production of paper documents is essential, it should be designed to limit its impact to the lowest possible. Create a CSS Print stylesheet and test it with different types of content. Ensure PDF printing is encouraged over paper-based storage.
- Optimize Documents: Provide all downloadable documents in a state of being optimized, compressed, and in a variety of accessible file formats.
- Optimize Delivery: If a document is likely to be re-used, generate the document once on the server-side (preferably on a cookie-free domain) rather than forcing the effort to be duplicated.
- Labels And Choice: Clearly display the document name, a summary, the file size, and the format, allowing the visitor a choice if possible of both the format, and the language (if not the same as the web page). Furthermore, be sure to avoid embedding the document within Web pages (provide a direct link to download or view within the browser instead).
- Environmental:
Reducing the need to print documents or providing a printing StyleSheet will remove the emissions from wasted paper and ink. - Accessibility:
Providing a range of inclusively designed downloadable documents in a variety of formats which the visitor can choose between can benefit those with accessibility needs as they can choose the best fitting download for their device. - Performance:
Compressing or otherwise optimizing documents will allow them to be downloaded faster by the consumer, which helps visitors avoid having to wait to view uniquely formatted offline files.
- materials: Medium
- energy: Low
- water: Medium
- emissions: Low
- Embeddable Print CSS Stylesheet Library.
- A Guide To The State Of Print Stylesheets In 2018
- Changing Paper Consumption
- Compress documents
- CSS Design: Going to Print
- Digital Eco-Design: Downloadable documents
- [GPFEDS] 4.11 – UX and UI (Inform Users) (PDF)
- [GR491] 5-4052 – Downloadable Documents
- [GR491] 5-4053 – PDF Documents
- [GR491] 6-3044 – Paper Printing
- [GR491] 9-5076 – Ink Saving
- GreenIT (French) 027 – Fournir une CSS print
- GreenIT (French) 107 – Compresser les documents
- GreenIT (French) 108 – Optimiser les PDF
- GreenIT (French) 4039 – Ne pas afficher les documents à l’intérieur des pages
- How to Become an Eco Web Designer
- OpQuast 142 – The format of the files available for download is indicated.
- OpQuast 143 – The size of the internal files available for downloading is indicated.
- OpQuast 144 – The language of downloadable files is mentioned when it differs from the original page.
- OpQuast 190 – The website offers styles dedicated to printing.
- OpQuast 191 – The content of each page can be printed without printing the navigation blocks.
- Optimize PDFs
- UI Tools
- United Nations [SDGS] Goal 11 (Human Habitats)
- United Nations [SDGS] Goal 12 (Consumption & Production)
- Using UX Design to Build a Sustainable Future