2.18 Take a More Sustainable Approach to Typefaces
Since the advent of the modern web, the ability to include embedded fonts and provide a more customized experience has seen their use explode. They aren’t always the most performant option (which poses emissions hazards) and come with a few issues such as Flash Of Unstyled Content (FOUC) / Flash Of Unstyled Text (FOUT) which should be addressed.
- Default Typefaces: Use standard system-level (web-safe / pre-installed) fonts as much as possible.
- Font Optimization: Ensure the number of fonts, and the variants within typefaces (such as weight and characters) are limited within a project, using the most performant file format available.
- Environmental:
Reducing the number of fonts being loaded will reduce the amount of rendering that occurs, all of which have a carbon impact (as the physical rendering of non-system typefaces graphically onto every element of the DOM will have an energy commitment). - Social Equity:
System-level (Web Safe) fonts work across the widest range of devices and platforms, which improves access to information for those who may have tightly regulated browsing habits or limited availability. - Performance:
By providing Web fonts that are optimized but optional, visitors can experience the product or service with a level of speed versus aesthetic they feel comfortable with. - Economic:
While pretty, custom typefaces are entirely optional on the Web and, as such, the bandwidth they consume (and the emissions this produces) are unnecessary. This added cost can be eliminated, but the benefit such fonts give in readability or personality for a website or application is worth considering.
- materials: Medium
- energy: Medium
- water: Medium
- emissions: Medium
- Code:
font-family: Iowan Old Style, Apple Garamond, Baskerville, Times New Roman, Droid Serif, Times, Source Serif Pro, serif, Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol;
- System Font Stack.
- Best practices for fonts
- Complete Guide to Pre-Installed Fonts in Linux, Mac, and Windows
- CSS Fonts
- Digital Eco-Design: Fonts
- Font style matcher
- [GR491] 2-4015 – Font Limits
- [GR491] 2-4016 – System Fonts
- [GR491] 8-3058 – Fonts and Varients
- GreenIT (French) 029 – Favoriser les polices standards
- How can we design sustainably?
- Microsoft Green Design Principles (PDF)
- Reduce web font size
- [RGESN] (French) 4.10 – System Fonts
- The performance cost of custom web fonts, and how to solve it
- Use standard typefaces
- Using UX Design to Build a Sustainable Future
- Web Font Performance – How Your Fonts Affect Page Speed
- Web fonts: when you need them, when you don’t
- Web Almanac: Sustainability