5.27 Define Performance and Environmental Budgets
Setting targets and limits regarding your product or service is important for keeping a sustainable mindset. Using budgets, you can declare the remits of which you will work within to ensure your emissions do not fall outside (and monitor your progress through development).
- Environmental Budget: The product team has defined, baselined, and documented clear sustainability and environmental budget criteria that cover the page, user-journey, and digital service levels and metrics (such as a CO2.js score) that are approved by relevant product stakeholders.
- Performance Budget: Tools such as a performance budget exist to determine the maximum size (goals) your app or website can weigh to reduce the data transfer and HTTP request impact (using metrics like Google Lighthouse).
- Human Budget: KPIs are defined around engineering hours, development time, or sprints keeping the health and wellbeing of your workers paramount. Consideration has been taken around optimizing your workflow sustainably to allow all tasks to be performed with care.
- Measurable Improvements: The product team can measurably show how much the budgeting process improved performance and reduced emissions.
- Capacity And Maintenance: The product team invests in resources to build capacity and maintain the budgets over time.
- Environmental:
A strict sustainability or performance budget will reduce the chance of your website getting too large (and causing pollution transfers), which in turn will ensure it has a minimal impact on a visitor’s device. This will have a direct impact on emissions reduction by forcing businesses to choose where to make reductions and efficiency savings. - Performance:
Keeping realistic goals regarding delivery size will push developers to optimize resource-heavy projects and reconsider using large tooling in place of lightweight alternatives. Moreover, A lower set target budget for a product or service will decrease the amount of time a browser spends transferring and rendering data. - Economic:
Customers will not have to keep upgrading devices to match the needs of a website that grows (unchecked) over time. - Conversion:
Reduced churn and page abandonment will occur due to the application or website becoming more performant. Potentially, your search engine ranking may perform better due to performance being a key indicator in PageRank algorithms.
- materials: Medium
- energy: Medium
- water: Medium
- emissions: Medium
- Code:
[ { "resourceSizes": [], "timings": [ { "metric": "largest-contentful-paint", "budget": 2500 }, { "metric": "max-potential-fid", "budget": 100 }, { "metric": "cumulative-layout-shift", "budget": 0.1 } ] } ]
- Performance Budget.
- A Complete Guide to Performance Budgets
- [AFNOR] Spec 5.1.4 (French)
- Are there limits to growth in data traffic? (PDF)
- Audits d’écoconception – conclusion (French)
- Browser Rendering Optimization
- Can You Afford It?: Real-world Web Performance Budgets
- CO2.js
- Core Web Vitals For SEOs & Developers
- Fast Load Times: Set performance budgets
- Find Out How You Stack Up to New Industry Benchmarks for Mobile Page Speed (PDF)
- Front-End Performance 2021: Setting Realistic Goals
- [GPFEDS] 1.5 – Strategy (Impact Goals) (PDF)
- [GPFEDS] 4.9 – UX and UI (Server Requests) (PDF)
- [GPFEDS] 6.1 – Front-End (Download Limits) (PDF)
- [GR491] 1-3009 – Sustainability Budgets
- How Performance Budgets Improve Websites
- How to set a Page Weight Budget for a greener, faster website
- Page Speed
- Performance Budget
- Performance Budget Calculator
- Performance budget visualizer
- Performance budgets
- Performance budgets 101
- Performance Budgets: The Easiest Way to a Faster Site
- Reduce Your Website’s Environmental Impact With a Carbon Budget
- Situer le numérique (French)
- SpeedCurve
- Sustainable Practices
- Sustainable Web Design
- The overlooked environmental footprint of increasing Internet use
- United Nations [SDGS] Goal 7 (Sustainable Energy)
- Use Lighthouse for performance budgets
- Web Almanac: Sustainability
- Why Your Website Should Be Under 14KB In Size